You get 70% on all sales. Refer to the chart below to see what you can make with each offer.


  • 1

    Front End - Reprogram Procrastination $39

    Energy healing MP3 to get your brain into alignment with what you truly desire in life, the sky is the limit as you effortlessly achieve your goals.

  • 2

    Upsell 1 - Brilliant Brain Breakthrough $99

    Bundle of energy healing MP3's to release the fogginess in your brain by clearing away the debris and dead cells that commonly pollute our brain.

  • 3

    Upsell 2 - Secret Sessions $199

    3 powerful prerecorded group healing sessions that cover three important healings: Eliminating Stress & Trauma From The Brain, Cranial Nerves Repaired For A Healthy Brain, Brain Reboot: Recalibrated & Rejuvenated.


- 3 email series
- Insert affiliate link where indicated by underlined text

Email 1:
Subj: Eliminate procrastination in 8 minutes

Do you want to eliminate procrastination forever?

What if you could do it without willpower or “hard work”?

Based on neuroscience, you’ve never seen anything like this before.

But don’t procrastinate, check it out now while it’s fresh on your mind.

Talk soon,[YOUR NAME]

P.S. Just imagine what you could do if you knew you couldn’t fail.
You don’t have to imagine… find out now!


Email 2:
Subj: Have you seen this yet?


Have you really not checked this out yet?

If you’re on my list, it’s fair to assume you want to achieve your goals faster.

If so, then this is the missing piece!

Check it out… before it’s too late.

Talk soon,[YOUR NAME]


Email 3:


Sorry for the ALL CAPS in the subject line…
…but this is important.


If you haven’t checked out how to eliminate procrastination in the next 30 days
without willpower or “hard work”.

What's the deal?!

There’s a long list of people who’ve tried this simple technique (that takes just 8
minutes) and can’t believe the results.


More importantly, this is your LAST CHANCE, because after today I’m not going to
remind you about it anymore.


After all, if you’re procrastinating on finding out how to stop procrastinating…
maybe you really are beyond help! 🙂


Just imagine what you could do if you knew you couldn’t fail.
You don’t have to imagine… find out now!


Talk soon,[YOUR NAME]


P.S. Sorry for making such a big deal about this, but if you’re on my list I know it’s
something you’ll love…


And the last thing I want is for you to be upset when you miss out.
Click here before it’s too late!


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